TNVLC is a recognized LEGO® User Group located throughout Tennessee and Northern Alabama, with chapters in Nashville, TN and Huntsville, AL. Our goal is to create a fun, collaborative environment for LEGO® fans and to share the hobby with the community through regular displays and events.

Club Event Legend:

Green Events: Huntsville

Blue Events: Nashville

Places to find TNVLC

Bowling Green KY Library Summer Show  - July 13

Brick Fan Expo in Nashville - July 13

Arab AL Library - July 27

Brick Galaxy, Donelson TN Library - Aug 3 - Cancelled

Brick Galaxy, South Huntsville Library - Aug 24

STEM Night @ Toyota Field - Aug 29

Brickonomicon, Alcoa Hilton, Alcoa TN - Sept 6-7

Early Works Tinkerfest  - Sept 28

Madison Street Festival - Oct 5

These are just a few of the upcomming community events that we support throughout the year